這篇內容是今年7月17日前往京都參加祇園祭時拿到英文版的解說(因日文版看不懂), 為讓兒子對此次旅行有些紀錄對此的祭典有進一步認識,所以assign 給他的回家功課=將內容研讀完後翻成中文,在數次上網查資料與不斷查字典雙管齊下的功夫完成這項工作, 坦白說這功課不太容易,所以我這位做媽媽的要給他拍拍手!! 

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Gion Festival’s portable shrines / 祇園祭山鉾巡行

 Kyoto’s Gino Festival is one of the greatest and biggest Japanese festivals.
京都的"祇園祭" 為日本節慶中規模最盛大的祭典之一。

Its history began about 1100 years ago, when shrine priests would pray to ward off misfortune and disease by erecting ritual swords and carrying the deities around on portable shrines called “mikoshi”in Japanese.

It’s an annual event which lasts throughout the month of July, and includes many Shinto rituals and community events. The most popular events is a big parade of floats in the afternoon of the 17th.
Though, the true main ritual of this festival is actually the tow portable shrine processions on the 17th ad the 24th.


Three portable shrines, each of which houses a god or goodness, are carried to Otabisho in the evening of the 17th. This is called Shinko-sai Festival.
Upon the departure, more than one thousand men gather in front of Yasaka Shrine for a purification ceremony.
While calling out “Sa-se!”, the bearers hold up each shrine, and when they shout “Ma-wa-se!”,they turn the shrines around by 360 degrees as a way to pay their respects to the gods.
三種神轎都各自供奉著著一位神祇,會在17日的傍晚抵達四條御旅所(Otabisho)。這種儀式叫做神幸祭(Shinko-sai Festival)。1000多人會聚集在八坂神社的門口前等待神轎的到達做淨化儀式。轎夫們會一邊抬起轎子、一邊喊"Sa-se!" ;他們如果喊"Ma-wa-se"就代表他們要把轎子360度旋轉來表達他們對神和女神的尊敬。


Next, they stamp and cry out”Hoi-to, Hoi-to!’ while ringing the metal parts on the edges of the shoulder poles.
This moment marks the climax of the event when the audience’s excitement is at its peak.
After that, the mikoshi are paraded down different streets to finally join up in front of Otabisho. Otabisho, located at the intersection of Shijo and Teramachi streets, is where the shrines will stay for 7 days.

During Kanko-sai Festival on the 24th,the three shrines leave Otabisho and go back to Yasaka Shrine using different routes from those at Shinko-sai festival.
On the arrival at Yasaka Shrine, the carriers hold up and turn the mikoshi around, and then do it once more in front of the main shrine.
It’s  when the most scared ritual takes place.
The gods and goddesses, who spent the last week in the mikoshi, are finally returning home to the main shrine, in the darkness of the night.

在24日的還幸祭(Kanko-sai Festival),三種神轎都會離開四條御旅所(Otabisho)用跟神幸祭(Shinko-sai Festival)不一樣的道路回到八坂神社。到了八坂神社後,轎夫們會把神轎轉一下,然後在正殿前重複一次動作。這時,最神聖的儀式開始了。待在神轎裡一個禮拜的神和女神終於在半夜回到了家裡,也就是八坂神社的正殿。

It is a highly spiritual event and a wonderful opportunity to catch a glimpse of traditional Japan

    祭典 八坂神社 祇園祭

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